a. Boyfriend blazer. Obvious, much?
b. Topshop's perfectly shaped crop tops must be owned by moi!
c. I'm in serious need of a maxi dress
d. I adore all of those shoes. The flats are so pretty, especially those sequin flats. The dior heels are also fan-fuckin-tastic
e. Those bags are particularly awesome. I effin adore that acid wash fanny pack.
f. I need a nastygal dress.. That one is the one I want specifically..
g. That Patricia Fields bag is LOVE. C'mon a bag that says Cunty? Must. be. owned!
h. I want to take effortlessly chic photos like that. Ugh, she doesn't even look like she's trying.
i. acid wash anything is like my current obsession.
j. I really want a floppy hat.
k. I want to be as BA as Bon Qui-Qui
l. Those sunglasses are made of WIN!
m. Boy do I wish I could get my drawing skills back. Use it or lose it, actually applies for me =/
n. Ashton Kutcher is just.. yum. Did you guys see his onion boo-tay-tay? Hmm, I gotta find the pics again. They're from his latest flick.
o. Don't I ALWAYS wish for Shia? Yes, yes I do. And I will keep wishing for him until he is mine.
p. All those damn accessories are so cute! I especially love the betsey stuff. I saw the monkey ring in Macy's and was going to buy it. I bought a pair of shoes instead.
q. First and foremost, I wish I knew how to get my hair to do that! It's gorgeous! I also wish I had those headbands and clips for my hair. Hair accessories add such a cute touch to a simple outfit.
r. I love those roses. Really I do. My uncle grows them, but all the damn rain has sent them to flower heaven.
s. That LV thing reminds me that I need to get my passport. Moreover, it reminds me that I can use my passport as points towards my license. How does this all connect with my wishlist: I wish I had my license.
t. Anthropologie undies are seriously the cutest stuff on earth.
u. I haven't had a doughnut in 2 months. I really really really really really really really want one.
v. I found all of our Polaroid cameras, so now i really wish I had some film for them. Anyone know where to get some Polaroid film in NYC?
w. Candles are just rather awesome. They make me think of Family Guy. So not only are they relaxing, but they are also funny.
x. C'mon who doesn't want a heart-shaped flask? Losers! That's who!
y. That lip balm just looks yummy.. seriously.
z. I wish for anyone who read this, to have a nice day :]
Aww, a nice bit of sappiness right at the end there. Wonderful, innit?