2. Aside from being hideous, both Peaches and Pixie Geldof are a. unimportant! Jesus do they even have jobs? and b. filthy. They don't look like they've showered in years.
3. Not every Indie movie can really be categorized as "the indie movie that could." Why can't it just be a good movie? Why should we constantly look down on indie movies?
4. Alexa Chung will never truly replace Carson Daly. She can take his job. But the fact of the matter is that aside from little Nylon obsessed tweebs no one really knows who she is. Thus, she'll never have Carson Status. Rockin New Years Eve Avec Alexa Chung? Uh-uh don't think so.. wouldn't watch it if I was promised a million dollars and Shia locked in my closet for all eternity-- no questions asked. Yes I know, she's pretty. I'm not saying that she's not a beautiful girl. However, she wasn't a good model and as a TV host, frankly, she bores me.
5. All of Lady GaGa's songs sound the same, AND she looks like a tranny and an alien procreated. Deal with it.
6. Brooklyn is about as cool as herpes. ok ok, I'll give it more credit than that! Herpes is actually cooler than Brooklyn. Whew! I almost insulted herpes for a second there.
7. If Jimmy Fallon is funny, then Jessica Alba's a good actress. Seriously, I'm gonna say a not funny joke and laugh at it more than anyone else will.. yeah, that's a great comedian right there.
8. This song is totally boss lol
Thug Story - Taylor Swift ft T-Pain